meet michael

Founder And Creator Of The True Quit Method

LET Michael BE

your partner


Michael Gregory has been an Addiction Specialist for 15 years, after 10 years as a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner. He holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Traditional Chinese Medicine – Acupuncture), and Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy), in addiction to his studies of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, and eastern healing arts, such as Qi Gong, Reiki, and meditation. Combined with a deep rooted commitment to personal development, Michael brings a unique perspective to his work in addiction recovery.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Michael enjoys surfing, poetry, playing the Shakuhachi, yoga, meditation and spending time in nature.

“>Michael also hosts the Addiction To Freedom podcast, which explores spiritual and personal awareness, as a path to freedom from our everyday addictions.

He is also the founder of the True Quit Method, which has helped 1000’s of people overcome their addictions since 2009.

Michael believes that we all have addictions. Some are more socially recognised, such as substance, and gambling addictions. Others are more subtle, such as habitual thinking and our addiction to ourselves. Through his programs he teaches a pathway of increasing freedom, peace and contentment, that is the natural result of getting to know our true nature, as our addictions fall away.


true quit method

The True Quit Method is a systematic brain transformation process that uncovers a natural state of peace and contentment, where addiction is no longer needed.

The True Quit Method reduces the need for willpower or struggle, because it reduces conflict between the conscious and subconscious behavioral drives. The 6 stages of the True Quit Method of brain transformation are:

Understanding a radical, new view of addiction.

Learning skills to test the truth of this “new view” in our own experience of addiction.

Practicing the True Brain Transformation Techniques.

Experiencing a deeper state of peace and contentment, where addiction is not needed.

Experiencing our addictions fall away, without struggle.

Continuing the ongoing transformation of our life as a result of this new state of being.

Discover my Method!

Curious to learn more about True Quit, the program I created? We have a committed team ready to support you on your journey to freedom.


true quit timeline


• Michael begins specialising in addiction.


• True Quit Method was launched, offering 1-1 stop smoking consultations.

• Michael discovers a brain retraining technique to make cravings disappear.


• True Quit expanded to four locations in four Australian states.


• True Quit expanded to 14 locations in five Australian states.


• Support videos first introduced into the program.


• Fully online program launched in Australia & New Zealand.


• True Quit expanded to the United Kingdom and Ireland.


• Services expanded to help any addiction

• Addiction To Freedom program launched.


• True Awareness Community launched to provide ongoing online community support

• Emotional Freedom program launched.?

• Living With Awareness program launched.?


• Michael begins specialising in addiction.


• True Quit Method was launched, offering 1-1 stop smoking consultations.

• Michael discovers a brain retraining technique to make cravings disappear.


• True Quit expanded to four locations in four Australian states.


• True Quit expanded to 14 locations in five Australian states.


• Support videos first introduced into the program.


• Fully online program launched in Australia & New Zealand.


• True Quit expanded to the United Kingdom and Ireland.


• Services expanded to help any addiction.

• Addiction To Freedom program launched.?


• True Awareness Community launched to provide ongoing online community support

• Emotional Freedom program launched.?

• Living With Awareness program launched.?


true awareness


“>The True Awareness Community is dedicated for those who want to continue to explore a deeper understanding of our lived experience, and personal freedom through further developing the principles and practices that Michael makes available through his programs and workshops.

The intention is to uncover an inner state of True, Open, Awareness. This is a state of genuine personal freedom to choose in every area of our lives, resulting in a deep state of peace, contentment, connection, and much more.