check out some

client stories

Peter quit smoking & alcohol

Peggy gave up opioids, marijuana, cigarettes, and sugar!

Sandra quit smoking & alcohol

Ovida quit smoking, nail biting & agoraphobia

tv interview

from the archive

The A Current Affair  TV Interview, After I Helped Cricket Legend, Doug Walters, Quit 80 Smokes A Day

Doug Walters quit with me in 2009, over 13 years ago

He was smoking 4 packs of smokes per day!

In this interview he shares that he didn’t intent to quit when he visited me.

This was the early days, when the True Quit Brain Retraining was only partly developed.

"3 months quit, when I didn't think I'd be able to do 3 hours!"

"I really thought it all made sense and really appreciated the  psychological education that broke down the mental aspect of quitting"

David Turner, Quit Date: 27/12/21

"I never thought I'd walk past someone smoking & not want one!"

"I highly recommend it. I really seriously reckon its one of the best programs I've ever seen!"

Gregg Knaggs, Quit Date: 22/11/21

"It all made sense to me!"

"The very high success rate drew me in, and I agreed with the principles of the method. It all made sense to me."

Bill IIijoski, Quit Date: 01/04/21

"When I began true quit, I couldn't get rnough of it!"

"I was watching the videos, and re-watching the videos, and loving every one, because they taught me things ... gave me emotional support, physical support, and mental all wrapped into one.."

Ovida Brophy, Quit Date: 15/09/21


Check out these Facebook posts from past clients.

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